*POSTPONED* “Down art – amateurs rise up against art!” – Dada in Berlin

Beginning: Thursday 7.30 p.m.

Price 0 €

Framework program for the exhibition “Jein Danke! Spandau und die Gründung von Groß-Berlin 1920

In 1918 Dada reached Berlin and especially here showed his anti-bourgeois-rebellious side. In 1920 the “First International Dada Fair” in the art dealer Dr. Otto Burchard the climax as well as the end of this turbulent movement.

The musical-literary evening brings this time to life again and at the same time builds a bridge to the present through improvisations on certain “Dadaist” means of expression.

Piano works by Erik Satie, Erwin Schulhoff, Francis Poulenc, John Cage and improvisations

Fidan Aghayeva-Edler (piano)
Dennis Hopp (recitation)


Photo: © Dennis Hopp and Fidan Aghayeva-Edler © Anait Sagoyan