Exhibition tour | „Flesh & Bone“ and „Boosted Mimicry“

ZAK – Center for Contemporary Art

Thursday 18.4.2024 6.00 p.m. - 7.30 p.m.

(Body) surfaces, significant details and internal structures provide ample opportunity for artistic investigation. What is fake and what is the truth? In the exhibitions Boosted Mimicry and Flesh & Bone, strategies of contemporary medialisation and corporeality are questioned and abstracted, but from the most diverse perspectives.

Come and talk to the artists present during a tour of both exhibitions, which will be moderated by the ZAK curatorial team.


Fig. 1: Tom Früchtl © VG Bildkunst, Bonn 2023 | Graphic: Bernhard Rose; Fig. 2: Birgit Dieker, „Matrone“, 2018, Detail, © VG Bildkunst, Bonn 2023; Jürgen Baumann, „Knochenarbeit“, 2020, Detail, © VG Bildkunst, Bonn 2023 | Graphic: Bernhard Rose