Friday 29.5.2020 6.00 p.m. - 11.59 p.m.
What has been left of the Second World War – that’s a long list. It’s not just the continual findings of bombs during construction works. Sculptures made in the style of German fascism, swastika engravings and architectural remains on buildings are the cultural remnants of a past which does not entirely go by. There is a need to discuss how much influence all of this has had on us up until today.
Neither historical research nor artistic reflection are fit all by themselves to grasp the legacy of the War. Therefore, historians and artists will come together in accordance with interdisciplinary tradition and discuss the question of how much past remains in the present: Dr. Urte Evert (Head of the Regional History Museum of Spandau), Jakob Ganslmeier (Freelance Photographer, “Haut, Stein”), Dr. Doris Müller-Toovey (Deputy Director of the Military History Museum of Airfield Berlin-Gatow), Ramona Schacht (Artist), Prof. emeritus Wolfgang Spyra (specialist on ordnance clearance) and more.
Ramona Schacht (Künstlerin), Prof. Wolfgang Spyra (emeritierter Dozent für Kampfmittelräumung) und weitere Gäste.
/ in cooperation with the Military History Museum of Airfield Berlin-Gatow as well as with participation of the Association for Local History of Spandau 1954.
/ no registration