Artist Tour: Cutting the Void

ZAK – Zentrumfür Aktuelle Kunst

Thursday 28.12.2023 6.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m.


The two artists Asako Tokitsu and Andreas Schmid lead a dialogical tour through their exhibition Cutting the Void on the upper floor of ZAK, which deals with impressive spatial interventions of fine lines and subtle light. Tokitsu’s artistic media are linear drawing in a three-dimensional context; Schmid’s are drawing and light installation. The architectural conditions of her site-specific works play a significant role in her works.

For more information on the exhibition, click here.


/ guided tour free of charge with free admission
/ without registration



Fig.: Asako Tokitsu, Exhibition view “Cutting the Void” © Kulturamt Spandau