Saturday 6.7.2024 12.00 p.m. - 1.00 p.m.
Between 1935 and 1945, the citadel housed the so-called Heeresgasschutzlaboratorien (HGL), a facility of the Heereswaffenamt. They were used to develop gas protection equipment and, above all, to research new types of nerve gases such as tabun, sarin and soman for war purposes.
On our tour of the citadel grounds, we will focus on this part of the citadel’s history, which is barely visible today and has been little researched to date. Find out how the buildings of the Citadel were used by the Wehrmacht and what we still know today about the army gas protection laboratories.
/ Guided tour fee: 4,50€ (plus admission)
/ Duration: 60 mins.
/ Meeting point: Gatehouse