Friday 21.10.2022 8.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m.
/ Reservação: 0176 2261 0775 ;
A performance that tells of chickens, oil, and communication technologies, and looks at the cultural, political, and economic entanglements of three continents – Africa, America, and Europe.
Trade-Winds chronicles the inequalities that established themselves following the trade routes over the centuries, takes a look at the emergence of slavery, invents new money, and questions the manipulative power of cartography. To this end, the ensemble hoists its sails and always follows the trade winds.
What costs how much where?
Who works where as what?
How does one become a slave?
Where are the profits?
And what is actually a privilege?
The intercultural ensemble of director Carlos Manuel tells true stories from many perspectives, looks at the world sometimes from above, sometimes from below, questions themselves and others about their own participation and happiness, and thus moves through the shallows of the history of the economy, which knows winners and losers.
The research for the production was initially carried out in parallel in Luanda, Curitiba and Berlin with ten participating artists and one local partner school each – and brought the threads together in Berlin four weeks before the premiere.
The premiere of “Trade Winds” will take place in October at the Zitadelle Spandau, before the production follows the call of the trade winds and goes on tour: to Luanda (Angola) and Curitiba (Brazil), to play for children and their families there as well.
Uma performance que fala de galinhas, petróleo e técnicas de comunicação e analisa os enredos culturais, políticos e económicos de três continentes – África, América e Europa.
In Portuguese and German // em português e alemão
with inclusive offers, from 8 years
Performance: Pedro Ramires
Amélia Aníbal Paulino // Cecília Maria
Florian Henning // Hemak Verkron
José Ernesto Quinhoca // Joyce Ferse
Direction // Direção: Carlos Manuel
Music & Space // Música & Espaço: João Ana
Costume // Figurinos: Amabilis de Jesus
Dramaturgy & Production // Dramaturgia & Produção: Julia Schreiner
Graphics: Hemak Verkron & Jo Sordini
Video documentation: Wolfgang Gottschalt
Technique: Marco Sternsdorf
Assistants: Dorilys & Sophia Gundske