19.1.2019 – 24.3.2019
ZAK Center for Contemporary Art – Gallery, ground floor 1
For about two decades, the Cologne-based artist Frauke Wilken negotiates in her sculptural oeuvre aspects of the physical. The sculptures, which are predominantly made of textile materials are reminiscent of living organisms with their sensitive surface design. In their fragmented form, they call questions about the manipulation of all life. Background of the works is the exploration of the artist with the processes of progressive deconstruction and manipulation of the physical through medial overmodulation and biomedical research. Most of the works suggest mythical chimeras and hybrid creatures. It is such chimeric distorted images that decisively determine the early painting of the artist from the 1990’s. In wild and gestural style, Frauke Wilken develops a picturesque cosmos on large-format canvases of an equally disturbing and frightening aggressiveness. For the first time, the exhibition shows current sculptures and drawings by Frauke Wilken in a dialogue with her impressive and expressive paintings from the years between 1990 and 2000.