Opening: Friday 9.2.2024, 7 pm
Welcome: Dr. Carola Brückner, District Councillor for Culture
Introduction: Christian Hamm, consultant for art in architecture
In 2023, three art-in-architecture competitions were announced in the district of Spandau. A total of 16 entries by 24 artists from Berlin will be presented in a joint exhibition.
Participants in the competition:
New construction of the STEIG youth leisure center
Il-Jin Atem Choi, Philip Eichhorn, Anna Ehrenstein (competition winner)
Renovation of an external location of the adult education center and music school
Andreas Amrhein, Ivana de Vivanco, Marta Vovk (competition winner)
New construction of an elementary school at Fehrbelliner Tor
Neda Saeedi / Alex Lebus / Mary-Audrey Ramirez (competition winner) / Hannah Sophie Dunkelberg + Malte Bartsch / Raphaela Vogel + Lennart Wolff / Irene Fernández Arcas + Lorena Juan with Luciana Massarino / Julia Meyer-Brehm + Daniel Hahn + Johannes Mundinger / Aileen Treusch + Catharina Szonn + Felix Anatol Findeiß / Kira Dell + Laura Seidel with Lillian Morrissey + Maria Thrän / Elmar Zimmermann
The competition for the school was commissioned by the Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing and the other two competitions for the district of Spandau.
With the kind support of