18.1.2020 – 2.8.2020

Center for Contemporary Art, Gallery upper floor


Humans are vulnerable, as are all living things, as long as they are open, affectible and receptive and can develop and change as well as be exposed to others and other things. On the one hand, vulnerability comes to humans in their materiality, but on the other hand it is also linked to the fact that we are talking and acting with others in the world. The term vulnerability seems to address a basic human condition and experience that affects all human beings, but in very different ways and with different consequences. How do people generate themselves as vulnerable subjects or which dependencies make us vulnerable? To speak of vulnerability creates ambivalent, also apparently contradictory spaces of interpretation. The exhibition project of students, master students and (guest) artists who have worked together at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig as part of the project PONC – persons of no consequences – is dedicated to these different spaces of interpretation and experience. The artistic works take up in a very subjective way the common discussions and conceptual clusters and demonstrate in the exhibition overview their complex interrelationship, dependence and mutual conditionality.

Artists: Hazem Arabi, Shirin Barthel, David Behrens, Minhye Chu, Eva Dittrich, Alexander Pascal Forré, Felix Grabe, Harry Hachmeister, Julie Hart, LAW OF LIFE (Julia Lübbecke, Alexander Klaubert, Francis Kussatz, Katarína Dubovská), Adrian Viktor Lück, Luise Marchand, Jonathan McNaughton, Silas Mücke, Jan-Luca Ott, Lea Petermann, Benedict Reinhold, Jonas Roßmeißl, Anna Schall, Sebastian Schmidt, Clemens Schöll, Julius Schreiner, Soubhi Shami, YOR (Susanne Beck, Nataly Hulikova, Toni Mosebach), Frida Zack, Jul Zureck, Theresa Zwerschke

Curated by Peggy Buth, Ralf F. Hartmann, Friederike Kröbel, Jens-Ole Rey


With the kind support of the district promotion fund of the Senate Administration for Culture and Europe.
Abb.: Alexander Pascal Forré, Still aus Die wahre Nacktheit (The true nudity) (Ausschnitt), 2018
Ill.: Alexander Pascal Forré, Still from (The true nudity) (Detail), 2018
Das lange Gebäude der Alten Kaserne, Foto: Zitadelle Berlin, Friedhelm Hoffmann


ZAK Center for Contemporary Art // Old Barracks

© Franz Thöricht
