„Trauerndes Subjekt“ – Talk

Zentrum für Aktuelle Kunst

Beginning: Thursday 6.00 p.m.

Price free

with Eva Dittrich, Susanne Holschbach and Anna Voswinckel

The event “grieving subject” in the context of the exhibition “VERLETZBARE SUBJEKTE” deals with a specific moment of vulnerability: grief. Grief is generated by the experience of loss. Loss is universal, grief is not.

A motif that frequently arises in grief seems to be the loss of the perception of time. The grieving subject tries to remember, to organize itself and to prevent something from disappearing. There are often reports of a perceived split between an inner emotional world of the grieving subject and the world outside of it. An alienation from a general understanding of normality and the functioning within a society is created.

Grief or sadness in particular is often declared a personal problem and accordingly ignored, hidden and repressed. But there is political potential in grief, because we sense the change it brings about in us. Grief reveals relationships and thus who one was, not only on a personal level but also on a social one. In the search for comfort, the grieving subject finds hope through the moment of togetherness in the community of vulnerable subjects.

In the talk, moderated by Susanne Holschbach, grieving and remembering are discursively linked with each other by means of photography and looking back using constructed linguistic images. In this context, Anna Voswinckel will present her analyses and thoughts on the book “NOX” by Anne Carson, which will be brought into dialogue with the artistic work of Eva Dittrich.


This event will be in German.


© Eva Dittrich, „Open Stack“, 2018
© Eva Dittrich