ITINERANT INTERLUDE # 14: Brass cutting the void

Zentrum für Aktuelle Kunst – Galerie OG

Friday 24.11.2023 7.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m.


Join Lina Allemano (trumpet) and Matthias Müller (trombone) on a musical journey through the exhibition Cutting the Void by Asako Tokitsu and Andreas Schmid. As part of the ITINERANT INTERLUDE #14 series curated by Laurie Schwartz, you can listen to the contemporary composition “the resonances, part 1 & 2”. You can also look forward to a tour of the exhibition with the two artists.

For Cutting the Void, Schwartz has developed an immersive sound performance for two brass instruments to set a performative counterpoint to the expansive installations of Andreas Schmid and Asako Tokitsu. “the resonances, part 1 & 2” investigates the possibility of creating a sonic architecture as a counterpoint and/or amplification of the visual dimension.

In a clear reference to the minimalist, essential nature of Cutting the Void, the musical materials for both parts 1 and 2 of “the resonances” are reduced to a bare minimum, each in very specific ways. The work is conceived with choreographed movement and in two distinct parts to highlight the very different ways that architecture and the visual sculpting of an architectural space is explored in the two installations.

“the resonances” is about “grasping” the space and “grasping” the sculptures that may be perceived within it, the word here intended in both senses of the word: “to understand, perceive, comprehend” and “to seize, take hold of”. And doing this with SOUND: here, the sonic dimension intersects with and amplifies the visual, pointing to potentially new ways of experiencing the works.

Laurie Schwartz is a composer and curator whose work considers sound, movement, and visuals as materials of composition in the broadest sense. Incorporating field recordings, fragments of conversation, choreography, or video in counterpoint with instrumental, vocal and/or electronically processed sounds, she probes the space between music composition, experimental theater, and performance art. In 2024 she will be a fellow as artist in residence at the Villa Aurora, Los Angeles.


/ Admission free of charge


Fig.: Foto 1, Matthias Mueller © Frank Schemmann; Foto 2, Lina Allemano © Manuel Miethe