Vernissage: Margareta Hesse – ein schöner gedanke, so weich und spitz

ZAK – Zentrum für Aktuelle Kunst (Alte Kaserne) EG

Thursday 9.2.2023 7.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m.

Welcome: Frank Bewig, District City Councilor
Introduction: Ralf F. Hartmann, Head of the Cultural Office

In the context of a first comprehensive Berlin solo exhibition, the artist Margareta Hesse (* 1956 in Duderstadt), known for her light/laser installations, shows a wide range of her artistic works from the past 30 years. They range from objects, large-scale installations and wax paintings from the 1990s to paintings on semi-transparent polyester from the 2000s to current light experiments and expansive laser installations. The center of the exhibition is formed by the monumental work groups of “Tubes,” which are untreated wooden tubes combined with shells of black-leather painted canvas that define the spaces both as strict formations and loose settings. Contrasting with this are the large-scale wall works of “Translucids,” in which the artist works with overlapping semi-transparent and opaque surfaces under which modular structures become discernible. In these painterly works on two semi-transparent polyester plates each, partly covered with silicone, shellac, photography and plastic tubes, strict seriality, rapport and an obstinate red dominate. Constitutive is the tension between light, color and visibility, from which pictorial spaces of great suggestive power emerge. Starting from the circular form, which as a key figure runs through almost the entire concrete-constructive oeuvre of Margareta Hesse, more recent picture series and steel objects expand the broad spectrum of the exhibition.


Fig.: Translucid 46/00 (detail), 2000, shellac, oil paint and plastic tubes on two polyester plates, 100 x 150 x 4 cm; photo: Margareta Hesse
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