The first documentary mention

15.5.2022 – 25.9.2022

Commander’s House


An exhibition on the first mention of Spandau 825 years ago opens in the Commandant’s House of the Spandau Citadel at 10 a.m. on May 15, 2022. In May 1197, the Spandau bailiff Eberhard (Everardus advocatus in Spandowe) was listed as a witness in a margravial deed of donation and Spandau was thus mentioned in a document for the first time. The document, which is kept in the cathedral archives of Brandenburg, is shown as a facsimile. In the original, the oldest document in the holdings of the archives of the Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Spandau from 1289, provided with the Spandau seal, will be on display. The exhibition will focus on individual aspects of the document from 1197 – its authors, content and the Spandau bailiff as a witness – while providing an outlook on the development of medieval Spandau.

Johannes, verstorbener Pfarrer der Heilig-Geist-Kirche, vermacht dieser eine jährliche Getreidepacht von zwei Wispel Roggen und zwei Wispel Malz aus der Mittelmühle zu Teltow, 5. Dezember 1289 (Original auf Pergament mit zwei Siegeln – Spandau und Teltow). © Archiv des Stadtgeschichtlichen Museums Spandau
Markgraf Otto II. von Brandenburg und sein Bruder Albrecht [II.], Graf in Gardelegen, nehmen das Domkapitel Brandenburg in ihren Schutz und schenken ihm die Kirchen in Ketzin, Knobloch und Markau sowie das Dorf Plötzin (früher Reinholdsdorf), 28. Mai 1197 (Faksimile). © Archiv des Stadtgeschichtlichen Museums Spandau
Fig.: Margrave Otto II of Brandenburg and his brother Albrecht [II], count in Gardelegen, take the cathedral chapter of Brandenburg into their protection and give it the churches in Ketzin, Knobloch and Markau as well as the village of Plötzin (formerly Reinholdsdorf), May 28, 1197 (facsimile) © Archive of the Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Spandau (above)



Fig.: Johannes, deceased pastor of the Heilig-Geist-Kirche, bequeaths to the latter an annual grain rent of two wispels of rye and two wispels of malt from the Mittelmühle at Teltow, December 5, 1289 (original on parchment with two seals – Spandau and Teltow) © Archive of the Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Spandau (left)
Torhaus der Zitadelle, Foto: Zitadelle Berlin, Friedhelm Hoffmann



© Franz Thöricht
Die Ausstellung „Burg und Zitadelle“, Foto: Zitadelle Berlin, Friedhelm Hoffmann