11.8.2018 – 30.9.2018

Center for Contemporary Art – Gallery G2


With the exhibition Blackdance, the two artists Peter Hock (*1962 in Heidelberg) and Timo Herbst (*1982 in Flensburg) enter into an artistic dialogue. While Peter Hock creates almost hypernaturalistic pictorial spaces with charcoal on large-format sheets of paper, reminiscent of microscopic images, Timo Herbst focuses on the analysis of dance choreographies in installation-based graphic spaces. The starting point for both artists is an in-depth look into structural contexts and the observation of perceptual processes. From deep black, Peter Hock uses the brittle material of the charcoal to develop spatial structures of both plastic and painterly character. In contrast, Timo Herbst dissects human movements on overlapping and partly transparent papers into delicate sequences that reflect, among other things, choreographies by the well-known dancer William Forsythe for Frankfurt.


Supported by funds from the district promotion funds of the Senate Administration for Culture and Europe.
Timo Herbst “Sundial” (detail), graphite on two-layer Japanese paper, 100×1400 cm, 2017-2018; Peter Hock “Drift” (detail), charcoal on paper, 300×240 cm, 2016
Das lange Gebäude der Alten Kaserne, Foto: Zitadelle Berlin, Friedhelm Hoffmann


Center for Contemporary Art // Old Barracks

© Franz Thöricht