Group exhibition
2.9.2020 – 2.5.2021
ZAK – Center of Contemporary Art (2nd upper floor)
On the occasion of this year’s commemoration of the end of the Second World War, we are presenting exhibitions and interventions at the Citadel that focus on the traces of that time in our present.
“UNVERGESSEN – Jüdisches Leben in Spandau” combines several exhibitions of the Jugendgeschichtswerkstatt Spandau, all of which were created together with young Spandau residents. The exhibitions “The Hannes Project” (“Das Hannes-Projekt”), “The Jewish Family Stein” (“Die jüdische Familie Stein”), “UNFORGOTTEN – The Pogrom Night in Spandau 80 Years Ago” (UNVERGESSEN – Die Pogromnacht in Spandau vor 80 Jahren) and the exhibition “They were Neighbors” (“Sie waren Nachbarn”) of the Protestant Church District of Spandau as well as other materials from the archives of the Spandau Youth History Workshop, which have been brought together here for the first time in a large exhibition, are intended to remind us of what happened in Spandau during the National Socialist era:
Exclusion, deprivation of rights, robbery, expulsion and flight, forced labor, deportation and murder. This determined the life of Jewish families in Germany, in Spandau. The biographies of many Spandau residents of the Jewish faith tell of this in this large exhibition.
At the same time, the documentation of the project and the exhibition “UNFORGOTTEN – The Pogrom Night in Spandau 80 Years Ago”, which took place in 2018, has been published. The extensive book is available in the bookstore on the Zitadelle, in the Dorotheenstädtische Buchhandlung in Carl-Schurz-Straße and in the Jugendgeschichtswerkstatt. The price is 12 euros.
The exhibitions of the Jugendgeschichtswerkstatt were created with the participation of various high schools with young Spandau residents. Further information about the JGW Spandau can be found here.